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23 décembre 2007

Réseaux européens 3

AEIDL, European Association for Information on Local Development  is a non-profit association specialising in the development and co-ordination of European networks and the provision of information and methodological tools to local development actors. 

EBAN, the European Business Angel Network was established with the collaboration of the European Commission in 1999 by a group of pioneer BANs in Europe and EURADA (the European Association of Development Agencies). EBAN is a non-profit association which acts as a think tank and works to shape EC policy in favour of the BAs and BAN industry in Europe.
Its main purposes are:
- Encouraging the exchange of experience among BANs and encouraging "best practice"
- Promoting the recognition of business angels networks
- Contributing to working out and carrying out local, regional and national programs of assistance to the creation and development of a positive environment for business angels activities.

EBN, the European BIC Network is a non profit making association based in Brussels. EBN offers services aiming at co-ordinating the activities of the BICs, developing and promoting the BIC concept within and outside the European Union. Since its creation in 1984, EBN has grown substantially and there are now 160 BICs (full members) in 21 countries in addition to 70 associate members who share the same objective of SME support and development.

EIC, Euro Info Centres act as an interface between European institutions and companies operating at local level. Euro Info Centres are close to the enterprise in order to help them gain easier access to the opportunities presented by Europe and to prepare them for crucial milestones, such as the euro, electronic commerce, enlargement etc.

NBIA, National Business Incubation Associaton is a private, non profit membership association. NBIA comprises organizations and professionals who share an interest in advancing the business incubation industry role as an effective tool that supports the process of developing entrepreneurs and their businesses.

The membership of the Association is varied and coherently composed of:
- National federations of BANs
- Networks with a national, regional and local coverage
- Non-European networks with an interest to keep a link with the European Business angel scene
- Other interested entities having a direct involvement in promoting informal investment in Europe

EURADA, European Association of Development Agencies is a non profit-making organisation aiming to promote regional economic development through dialogue with the European Commission services.


EUROGUIDANCE, est un réseau initié par la Commission européenne, regroupant 65 centres Euroguidance, répartis dans 31 pays d’Europe : Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse et Turquie.

Le réseau Euroguidance a été mis en place dans l’objectif de développer la dimension européenne dans les actions d’orientation.

Les centres Euroguidance informent donc les professionnels de l’orientation et les citoyens sur les possibilités d’études, de formation et de mobilité en Europe ; sur les différents systèmes nationaux d’éducation et de formation. Ils facilitent également l’échange d’informations entre les services d’orientation des différents pays européens.

IRC, the Innovation Relay Centres have been created in order to facilitate the transfer of innovative technologies to and from European companies or research departments. The IRC network has become a leading European network for the promotion of technology partnerships and transfer mainly between small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). The IRCs are innovation support service providers mainly hosted by public organisations such as university technology centres, chambers of commerce, regional development agencies or national innovation agencies. Each centre is staffed by personnel who have extensive knowledge of the technological and economic profile of the companies and regions they serve.

IASP, International Association of Science Parks is the worldwide network of Science and Technology Parks and innovation-based business incubators with members in more than 70 countries.  It connects Science Park Professionals from across the globe and provides services that drive growth and effectiveness for their members.

INSME (International Network for SMEs) is a non profit Association.  Its mission is to stimulate transnational cooperation and public and private partnership in the field of innovation and technology transfer to SMEs.

INSME , International Network for SMEs is a project financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, under the Sixth Framework Programme on RTD in the European Union. The IPR-Helpdesk is providing first-line assistance to those seeking guidance in IPR issues. Knowledge is the most valuable asset and IPR-Helpdesk wants to help you to manage your knowledge. That is why the comprehensive services of the IPR-Helpdesk are free of charge and are available in the 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Polish. You can ask questions any time you want using Helpline ( - we offer you an individual attention!

IPR Helpdesk,

Réseau des micro finances

